CISE collaborate with many research partners to develop and share knowledge and experience
Kilkenny LEADER Partnership (KLP) is a nonprofit, independent, community-led, local development organisation, with almost 25 years of experience delivering to communities on the ground, providing a wide range of services including training, work placements, grants, and advice.
Connection to CISE
Community Initiatives for Social Ecology has co-managed projects which were funded through KLP to create employment pathways for people of different abilities. These include the development of social enterprise models and bespoke individual programs in partnership with local disability support services. KLP has also undertaken a comprehensive research project around the broad Camphill initiatives in the Kilkenny area supporting, education, the Arts, and community development. (See creating the futures we want)
The Pobal WorkAbility programme
Inclusive Pathways to Employment Programme:
This project is co-funded by the Government of Ireland, through the Department of Social Protection, and the European Union and CISE is a partner. This programme funds, local, regional and national projects who provide progressive pathways into employment (including self-employment) through education, training, skills development, and in-work supports for people with disabilities based on their needs, their abilities and their potential. The programme aims to ensure that people with disabilities are fully supported to find and maintain employment and organisations which employ programme participants are supported to ensure that their employment is successful.
The primary target group for the programme is people with disabilities aged 16 years and over who are currently not work ready and/or are distant from the labour market. Projects funded under the WorkAbility Programme incorporate a strong focus on employer engagement, raising employers’ awareness and building their capacity to recruit, retain and progress people with disabilities in their workforce.visit Pobal website
The Objectives of the Programme are:
To improve the employment prospects of people with disabilities who are currently distant from the labour market. To build the capacity of employers to recruit, retain and progress people with disabilities within their workforce. To facilitate new partnerships amongst stakeholders (people with disabilities, disability services, employment services and employers) and new approaches to providing employment supports to people with disabilities. This new five-year programme closed for applications in September 2023. Successful organisations were notified in December 2023 with projects commencing on 1 January 2024 and running to 31 December 2028.
Camphill Assc (British isles)
Camphill Communities of UK/ Ireland is part of an international association developing communities with people with intellectual disabilities and other kinds of special needs. The Camphill association promotes the work of Dr Karl König founder of Camphill Aberdeen in 1939
Connection to CISE
Camphill Initiatives for Social Ecology is a new emerging organization inspired by the values of the international Camphill movement. This movement promotes community connectivity and recognition of everyone’s uniqueness as the basis for an inclusive society.
Knockdrinna Enterprise
Knockdrinna is a rural enterprise, over the past two decades, it has strongly been associated with quality food, Dairy processing and accommodation. In recent years the enterprise has supported employment pathways for local jobseekers and training within the food and Horticultural sectors.
Connection to CISE
The Enterprise is developing an employability training and creating Job opportunities in partnership with Camphill Initiatives and the Workability programme through Pobal.
Living & Growing Enterprise
The Living & Growing enterprise is set up to provide training, education and income generation from: - Plant sales - Land based activities (allotment growing; wild foraging; herbal medicines; seed saving; composting; planting for pollinators & biodiversity)- Supported training e.g. plant and flower cultivation -Learn more about Living & Growing
Connection to CISE
Living & Growing partner with CISE and similar supportive organisations to provide experiential skills and learning - leading to employment paths.
Knockdrinna Enterprise
Kingsriver Community takes its name from the King’s River that straddles our 30-acre property. We provide education, training, and life skills to a wide variety of people in this beautiful setting. Our focus is person centred where we provide a range of individual supports to meet the various needs of our small group of residents together with our larger group who attend Kingsriver daily.kingsriver.ie
Connection to CISE
CISE facilitated an employment pathway tendering process which was funded through KLP and the successful organisation to run the project was Kingsriver. The project has provided employment opportunities for 8 participants through mentoring in the workplace and start your own business initiatives.
Inclusion Alberta
Inclusion Alberta is a family-based non-profit federation that advocates on behalf of children and adults with developmental disabilities and their families. Together, we share a dream of meaningful family life and community inclusion for individuals with developmental disabilities. As an advocacy organization we support families and individuals in their desire to be fully included in community life.inclusionalberta.org
Connection to CISE
We are working with inclusion Alberta on the optimal supports for employment pathways for persons with higher support needs. Wendy Mc Donald (COO) shared the story of how they have facilitated over 700 sustainable jobs in Alberta at the Employment pathways symposium in 2022. We hope to visit the project soon and continue learning from this inspiring story.
Minorities – Technical University Dublin
Dedicated research and support for People from minority communities to design employment pathways and social enterprise models.
Connection to CISE
TUD, We are privileged to have the working relationship with Professor Tom Cooney and the Minorities enterprise department at TUD which promotes Social enterprise and employment opportunities for several community groups through research and mentoring. CISE is undertaking a three-year research program to evaluate current approaches to employment pathways from persons with different abilities. CISE promotes the Global sustainability goals through our projects. This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet, and prosperity. It addresses the need to eradicate poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, and to promote inclusion and sustainable development on our planet. These 17 goals are worth considering before planning any new developments.
Leap offers visioning and planning, connections and networks, information, workshops, and family leadership initiatives for families who have a child with a disability and who want to pursue an inclusive life.leapireland.com
Connection to CISE
LEAP are fellow collaborators and mentors , supporting CISE with its developing work with the Personalised budgets demonstration pilot run by the HSE.