Gifted Programme

The “Gifted” activity focuses on developing your specific talents and interests. Whether you're looking for employment or a meaningful role in your community, this program helps you turn your interest into something more.
In the Gifted process, you can pursue your interests through social enterprises at CISE, start your own small business, or develop a meaningful role in your community. It’s all about connecting you, your interests, and your community. This process encourages collaboration and helps create stronger community ties.

Let's Discover Your Gift
The Employment or Community engagement journey starts with discovering your interests or passions.
For example: John loves drawing and creates unique illustrations that catch the attention of local artists. He’s interested in developing a line of greeting cards for special occasions. With the help of his local support circle and a community connector, John creates some prototypes. He then starts selling them at a market and local café. As his cards sell, he receives feedback and support from his community, helping him kickstart his employment journey.